Turkey Hill

How do you help an exclusively regional ice cream brand leave its nest of Lancaster, Pennsylvania (think: horse-and-buggy town) and introduce itself to the rest of the country? All without the comfort of a big, fancy TV budget? You probably develop a whole bunch of YouTube pre-roll videos and Facebook and Instagram Story videos that charm with the spirit of the fun-loving brand while touting its tastiest treats. That’s how we did it for Turkey Hill, at least.

Decadent Delights

As kids, we were rewarded all the time. A little gold star or, if you were especially esteemed, the special spot on the front of the fridge. As adults, what the heck happened? Introducing Decadent Delights, the ultimate treat for a job well-adulted. Go ahead. You earned it, you.


If you love it, triple it. That’s what Turkey Hill says. And that’s exactly what Turkey Hill did when it invented Trio’politan, putting three unexpected and carefully curated ice cream flavors into one carton. Ciao, run-of-the-mill Neapolitan. Turkey Hill is ushering in the new school of dairy goodness and the ice cream canon is about to be ripped to shreds. Quite literally.

All Natural Ice CreaM

When you make your ice cream with only the most real ingredients and nothing more, there’s simply nothing to hide. And with fewer ingredients, there’s always more room for delicious. That’s the bliss of enjoying ice cream that’s not the least bit scooperficial.

CW: Michael Deegan

AD: Courtney Polidoro

CD: Bill Starkey